
Fulfilling wishes

Empty scrotum Hi! Sorry for not posting sooner. This blog hasn't been a success in terms of viewing count, but considering the feedback I receive, this is very important to some readers. I've been thanked for not being ashamed to show my genitalia and giving straightforward sex ed. Please comment, why my videos are important to you! And please, share the link to this blog! The more readers the more active I'll be. And I get repeatedly asked if it's ok to send me questions or images/videos. You don't need to ask if it's ok to ask😉. And I get stuff anyway, so it's up to you😄. I'm a bit lazy to read (and answer) emails, but I'm fine with getting emails, I'll read them all. And my female readers, please consider donating images or videos of your genitalia for the common good, to be used here for educational purposes! It's an empowering experience, I promise. You can ask for advice. I've gotten several wishes for topics and I will fulfill tw
Modern Sexual Education Introduction and universality of the sexes. I'm starting this new blog because I've been asked so many times to publish educational content about human sexuality. I've gotten hundreds of feedback during the last two decades and I've had polls in my earlier blogs so I know what people are looking for. They are looking for simple and outspoken sexual education with simple demonstrational videos and images rather than porn found on the internet. My perspective is to give sex ed in an unconventional way, so that it would, not only to increase the knowledge, but change attitudes, give more room for sexuality, increase openness, decrease self-consciousness and to increase self-confidence. And I try to do it so that there are elements for different types of readers as the audience will be wide. While my videos are primarily meant to be educational, I know from the polls that most watchers experience sexual arousal of varying degrees. However, almost non